Music Video Planning

Today I contaced XL Recordings to request thier permission to use their M.I.A Paper Planes track, and am awaiting their reply.

Here is the planning of my shots and locations, dates and times are to be decided. Options for filming in Gerrards Cross are 6th, 7th, 9th and/or 10th February. Costumes are grouped.
Group A:
print leggings
stripy jumper
black military boots
back combed hair, in high pony tail
hoop earings
red lipstick
black liquid eye liner

Group B:
leather trousers
hoop earings
black converse
leopard shirts (half tucked in, tucked out)
red lipstick
smoky eyes

Group C:
Green leggings (if available)
I Love NYC top
white cardigan with beads
blue eye shadow

I Like the quick random clips and change of shots.

Practice of Stop Motion Animation in the Dolls House

The quick shot changes for the person falling when they have been shot, use the technique like this colour changing top

This is the animation of a children's book and the skeletons dance to a song about bones.

My practice animation:

Choosing my song:

Chiddy Bang- Opposite of Adults

M.I.A- Paper Planes

For Paper Planes by M.I.A I had the idea to do half of it animated,
a video which has used animation is Warrior's Dance by The Prodigy...